Sailing for a new journey! Everest Chemical 2022 Annual Summary Commendation and 2023 Work Deployment Conference was held


Jan 06,2023



On the morning of January 6, Hengxing Chemical held the work summary commendation in 2022 and work deployment conference in 2023. The meeting comprehensively summarized the achievements and experiences of the work in 2022, scientifically planned the key work tasks in 2023, and commended a number of excellent collectives and advanced individuals to further unify thoughts and gather strength, and strive to open a new journey of high-quality development of Hengxing Chemical. General Manager Zhou Wenbo, Executive Vice General Manager Dui Guozhong, Chief Engineer Du Baolin, Vice General Managers Chen Chunjiang and Li Yujiang, Sales Director Gao Dongli, Safety and Environment Director Liang Jianhua and the heads of all departments and workshops of the company attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Vice General Manager Jia Jiale.

Sailing for a new journey! Everest Chemical 2022 Annual Summary Commendation and 2023 Work Deployment Conference was held

Mr. Dui pointed out that 2022 is an extraordinary year, which is very challenging for the development of the enterprise. In such a big environment, all the members of the company are brave enough to take up the responsibility and live up to the mission, and work closely around the central task of the trial production and safe and stable operation of the whole device after the completion of the project construction. With the support of the group company, under the leadership of the senior leaders such as Mr. Jiao and Mr. Tan, we strengthened the management team, introduced the production technicians and coordinated all the work, safely, steadily and smoothly completed the safe production of the whole chemical plant, comprehensively promoted the company's strategic planning, and all the work In the key year of implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan, the company has made significant progress and achieved remarkable results, and delivered a brilliant report card.
Mr. Zhou made a comprehensive deployment of the work in 2023, clarified the future strategic positioning of the company with precise focus, set the business objectives for 2023 and formulated the work priorities of each department. Through the four work requirements of grasping management, promoting innovation, emphasizing incentive and strict assessment, he clarified the direction for all leaders and workers. He asked to stick to the original intention of developing the industry and unswervingly carry out, execute and implement the decisions and deployments of the company. Each workshop and department should plan scientifically, make a good work plan for the coming year, decompose and implement around the production and sales volume indexes, and the workers should do their best, be of one heart and one mind, love their work with a high sense of ownership and responsibility, and be the helpers and promoters of the company's high-quality development.
At the meeting, Du Baolin, chief engineer of the company, read out the list of 2022 winners. After that, an award ceremony was held in the lobby on the first floor of the company, and the honorary certificates and bonuses were awarded to the outstanding workers, expecting them to make further efforts, take this as a new starting point, continue to maintain the enthusiasm and creativity of forging ahead, better play the role of exemplary leadership, and create further successes in the future work with practical actions.

Sailing for a new journey! Everest Chemical 2022 Annual Summary Commendation and 2023 Work Deployment Conference was held

In 2023, Hengxing Chemical will firmly believe, steadily and steadily, work together to open the door to the first shot in 2023, and strive to write a new chapter of Hengxing Chemical and open a new glory together!


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